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Rosacea awareness month is usually in March or April every year. But it's important to understand this disease, along with it's symptoms and treatments.
Rosacea symptoms can be very deceptive because many people confuse rosacea with excessive blushing, sunburn or even adult acne.
The problem is rosacea skin symptoms – especially in the early stages – symptoms may come and go.
So it’s easy to confuse it with a mild case of sunburn after a weekend spent outside. That’s why the National Rosacea Society designates one month each spring to rosacea awareness.
Can you tell the difference between rosacea and acne?
If you don’t know whether it's acne or rosacea, it’s best to see a dermatologist to find out.
Like acne, rosacea is a long term skin disease that causes redness, flushing, swelling, pimples and visible blood vessels on the face – especially the cheeks, chin, and nose.
However, while acne is usually found on the face, chest, and back, rosacea can also appear on the scalp, ears, neck, and even the eyes – which is a very serious condition called ocular rosacea.
While the causes of rosacea is not completely understood, researchers have proven that is seems more common in people with fair skin or those who blush easily.
Also, it seems more common in adults between 30 and 60 years of age and is twice as more likely to occur in women than men.
The variety of symptoms will vary from person to person, however, the most common ones include:
Fushing – Frequent flushing and redness (which can be confused with general shy blushing) is usually the first symptom in the early stages and it can come and go…..which is why some people may not even know that have it.
Redness - Using harsh cosmetics facial cleansers and creams can further aggravate the skin.
Pimples, blemishes, and bumps - While these pimples, bumps, and solid pus-filled pustules may look like acne without the blackhead and some people experience a stinging or burning irritation. This condition is often referred to as acne rosacea.
Visible Blood Vessels - This symptom usually shows up during the more severe stages of rosacea. During this stage the red lines (telangiectasia) in the face become more prominent due to enlarged blood vessels –usually show up on the nose and cheeks.
Other symptoms include:
Ocular Rosacea – Eye irritation. The eyes get irritated, water, and bloodshot. In addition, the eyelids often swell up and turn red. Styes are also common during these rosacea symptoms.
Stinging or Burning - The face begins to feel tight, dry, stings.
Swelling - Swelling of the face (called edema) is a common rosacea symptom for many people.
Thickening of The Skin - This condition usually affects the nose and causes the skin to thicken and enlarge. Just think of the actor/comedian W.C. Fields.
As a health advisor, I always believe it’s best to use alternative treatments for rosacea.
Even if you’re taking rosacea medication, there are some rosacea creams and rosacea skin care products that are natural, gentle, and safe for long term rosacea relief.
There is a company that is dedicated to providing natural cure for rosacea symptoms that has been extremely successful for many patients.
They have a whole line of rosacea symptom products. Click here to read more about their Rosacea Skin Support System.
This complete rosacea support system helps to control those embarrassing flare-ups as well as control blotchiness.
It’s important to get your rosacea symptoms under control before it damages your skin beyond repair.
Remember you want the skin to heal you need to use gentle effective treatments -- not harsh chemicals and toxic medications that cause damage to the skin and the liver.
Starting a natural treatment for rosacea causes now -- will eliminate the need for toxic and expensive drugs.
Follow this link to find out more information or speak to professional skin care consultant for free to see if this product is right for you.
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