Men Skin Problems
Best Care Tips

Men? Skin Problems? Yes, why not? They have the same problems we do! And, just like women, more and more men are concerned with their appearance.....much to the joy of many women!

They realize that taking care of their face now, can help prevent premature aging later. Gone are the days when men's skin care products included a lubricating shaving cream and a double edged razor.

Today skin care for men is more about looking - than just good hygiene and grooming. They realize that taking care of yourself is important if you want to age well.

Men seem to age more gracefully than women and some say it's due to higher levels of the hormone testosterone and more sebaceous glands – thus protecting the dermis from wrinkling easily………….and there seems to be some truth to this.

More oil glands, thicker skin and increased blood flow seem to have it's benefits on the complexion!

Men Skin Problems
Easy Steps

mens face wash

Ok, enough of the benefits of testosterone!

Let's look at some of the common skin problems men face as they age.

Many of which can be be avoided with simple daily care.

  • Blackheads & Clogged Pores - The wrong cleansers with a pH balance that is too high or low can really cause problems.

What To Do? - Your face is more sensitive than the rest of your body. Never use a body soap on your face. Instead try a simple pH balanced natural facial cleanser to clean and protect.

Then Follow up with a clean moisturizer that already contains a sunscreen and you are ready to go.

  • Deep Wrinkles – While men may have thicker skin and don't wrinkle as easily, their face tends to take on a rough crinkly look (especially around the eyes and forehead) that really becomes more noticeable in the mid to late 40s.

What To Do? - Consider using a rich revitalizing peptide serum at night time. Just dab a little around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead before going to bed.

  • Sallow Color – Blood flow changes can result in dull, sallow looking skin tone. These changes are usually most noticeable in the mid to late 50s…especially when hair color starts turning gray.

What To Do? If you notice your skin color is dull and lifeless, then revive it by exfoliating. Stimulate cell turnover, increase blood flow, and help reduce the appearance of spots and discoloration from previous breakouts with a good exfoliating treatment.

  • Age Spots - The damage from all those years of unprotected sun exposure start showing up in your mid to late 40s. And, there is nothing you can to do stop them because the damage is already done. Your best bet is maintenance and prevention.

What To Do - Well - Start wearing sunscreen daily! And start using a natural skin lightener with Kojic acid to help reduce age spots discoloration.

While this list of products may seem extensive, find one or two that you can stick with. Men's skin care problems are the same as everyone else. A little extra care and the right products can make a big difference.

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