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Sep 30, 2008
Puffy Eyes
by: Linda

Hi Sally,
The first thing you need to find out is ? are the eyes puffy from just fluid buildup or bulging fat pads.

One way to tell is -- does the puffiness go down as the day goes on? In other words, do you wake up with puffy eyes and then by nighttime they look normal?

If so, then it?s just fluid buildup and yes, I can show an exercise that will help push fluid out of that area and strengthen the muscle and skin in that area so it won?t show the puff as much.

But, if it?s puff all the time, then unfortunately, it?s probably fat pads that?s causing the bulge and only surgery can get rid of that. I?ll tell you more about it below.

To reduce Fluid buildup puffiness ? First get an eye mask and keep it in the refrigerator so it stays cold. You can buy these almost anywhere ? like Body Works store or any place that sells skin and body products.

Make sure you can feel it before buying it. The cheap ones are sort hard and uncomfortable. The ones that cost a little more are real soft and soothing.

Put this on your eyes every morning for a few minutes this helps relieve puffy eyes pretty well. I set my alarm a few minutes earlier, put the mask on and go back to bed for a few minutes.

Here is an eye exercise to try to strengthen the muscle. Keeping these muscle strong sort of acts like a girdle and helps prevent the ?bulge? or puff. It also helps to strengthen the skin which helps too. This exercise can also help push the fluid out of the area.

2. Lower Eyelid lift ? Firms and builds the lower eye lid. This one seems a little tricky for some people because of their concerns for under eye wrinkles and lines. You want to make sure you are concentrating on the muscle underneath the skin. .........

? With eyes open, place three fingers of each hand on the top of each cheekbone and put your head all the way back.
? Now try to close or squint lower eye lids, while keeping fingers in place.
? Hold for count of 10, then let go and relax.
? Repeat for 3 sets.

Here is the link for more face exercises -

Now the bad news ? if you?ve determined that your eyes are puffy all the time and that it?s due to fat pads -- only surgery will remove the fat pads and that will remove the puffiness.

There is a fairly new procedure that is much better than the old fashion way. It doesn?t require any cutting of the skin. It?s called Transconjunctival Lower Blepharoplasty.

The doctor goes inside the lower eye lid and pulls a small amount of fat out from the inside lower lid.

If you decide to do this, make sure to find a doctor who specializes in this area of eye surgery. Try to find a doctor who specializes in Ophthalmology.

This type of surgery does not require a lot of down time so most people can go to work in a few days.

Go to my link "Find A Doctor" for more information on making sure a doctor is qualified.



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