
by Lore
(North Carolina)

Is it safe to take BioSil and a multi vitamin like Centrum Silver?

Hello Lore,

Thanks for your email. I have not seen any contraindications or studies indicating any problems taking Biosil along with a general multi-vitamin. However, if you have any questions, have any medical conditions, or are taking any prescription medication........please check with your doctor.

Biosil is not a vitamin, it is a very important trace mineral that is used by the body for healthy growth of skin, hair, nails, bones, cartilage, ligaments, and more. Researchers suggests that humans need between 5-20 mg of silicon a day.

There are also several studies indicating that the main ingredient in Biosil - special stabilized form of silicon - contributes to cardiovascular health because of the positive benefits it has on the arteries.

I hope this information helped.

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biosil for eye bags/will it grow unwanted hair?

by mike

Hello, i am considering buying biosil for my knees/joints and teeth but then I heard about it's beauty applications. I am a healthy 26yr male with no major medical issues or allergies, and i wanted to know if biosil would:

1) Help with the puffy bags under my eyes.
2) I am a hairy person, and if i start taking biosil, will i grow hair in unwanted places, like on my back?

Input is appreciated.



Hi Mike,

Thanks for your email regarding Biosil. Biosil is considered an essential mineral that helps to increase hydroxypoline levels.

Hydroxyproline is an amino acid needed by the body to produce elastin and collagen. Elastin and collagen can help support healthy hair, nails, joints, arteries, cartilage, and joints.

In reference to baggy eyes, I don't see how Biosil can help there. The two main causes for puffy or baggy eyes is fluid retention around the eye area or an excess build up of fat under the skin above and below the eyes.

The fluid can be due to many, many reasons from too much sodium to allergies. If your eyes are swollen, puffy in the morning and improves as the day goes on, it could be fluid retention - which is more noticeable when you first wake up and gets better as the day goes on.

It the puffiness is due to fat, only surgery can eliminate it.

There are a few things you can try to help reduce puffy eyes due to fluid retention. Click here bags under the eyes for more information.

In reference to hair growth, studies show that Biosil does not necessarily grow more hair, but can help make hair healthier/stronger and slightly thicker so it has a good chance to grow without breaking off.

So it doesn't seem that it will cause you to grow more hair in places you already don't have it.

Hope this helped.

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Biosil and hair growth and side effects

Can you tell me how long until I see results from using Biosil for my hair? Are there any side effects like hair loss? When should I take it?

Hi Marilyn,

Thanks for your email regarding Biosil. As far as when you should take it ....the directions for Natrol's Biosil does not indicate whether it should be with or without meals, which usually means it can be taken anytime. I like to take mine with meals. It's easier to remember it that way.

As far as how long to see results for hair growth, a 2007 study from the University of Cincinnati Collage of Pharmacy found that women with fine hair noticed a significant improvement in hair thickness and strength in about 9 months.

Another study shows that women who took 10 mg daily for 20 weeks saw improvements in skin texture, the depth of wrinkles and lines, and smoother (less brittle) hair and nails.

Whether it actually increases hair growth or just helps improve dry, weak, brittle hair (so it can grow long before breaking off) is not known. I'm sure a lot of other factors (like general health and diet) play into how quick and what type of results everyone sees results.

I don't know how long it was before I saw results in my hair. But, it really wasn't until my hair dresser mentioned that I was coming in for hair cuts more often....indicating that my hair seemed to be growing faster. But, it's not something I noticed over night.

Don't forget Biosil is also beneficial for things you may not notice right away, like healthy bones, strengthening of the arteries, joints, and ligaments.

As far as will this cause you to lose hair, I have never heard of that and it's not listed as a side effect. The only side effect that I know of that has been reported is a little bloating if you take more than is recommend. I personally never experienced this.

Hope this information helps,

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Natrol and Jarrow BioSil Capsule or Liquids which is better?

by Linda M.

Which BioSil is better? I heard one my give me an upset stomach.

Hello Linda,


Thanks for your question. Both capsules and liquid form of BioSil work well.... it's just a matter of preference. Some people hate or have a hard time swallowing capsules.

Either form is safe and will not cause any stomach problems. However, if you take more than is recommended on the label, you can experience a bit of stomach upset like diarrhea. Nothing really serious, just a bit uncomfortable.

I hope this information has helped. Also, keep an eye on your hair and nails. Mine grow like crazy when taking BioSil :-)


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by Denise

Hello! I have read your info on biosil and decided to buy it. I looked up the main ingredient which is silicon and was surprised to find out that too much silicon can cause Alzheimer's and lung disorders in some people. I am wondering how much is too much and it says on the bottle to take 5mg two times a day. Is this safe or can long periods of use cause problems.I am exited about the good things about biosil but scared of side effects. Please Help! Thank You

Hi Denise,

Thank you for your question. You were probably reading about the chemical silicon. The type of silicon found in BioSil is an essential trace mineral and is naturally present the body's blood, cartilage, and tissues. This type of silicon is also naturally found in our foods like brown rice, rolled oats, soybeans, onions, pumpkins, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers,and alfalfa.

People with a silicon deficiency often have brittle nails and hair, flabby skin, weak bones and cardiovascular disease. AND, this type of silicon mineral aids in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease because it counter acts aluminum.

The reason why silicon is called an Essential mineral is because the body must have this mineral to produce vitamin D, calcium, and it's essential to many functions of the body. It is also necessary for the body to produce an amino acid which later makes collagen. Taking the supplemental form of this mineral is safe and much more effective than relying on diet alone...especially as we age.

The only brand of BioSil that contains the pure essential trace mineral - silicon (orthosilic acid - which is the biologically active form of silicon) is the one by Jarrow Formulas which was later taken over a company called Natrol. This is the only form that was used and tested in all of the studies too.

There are many silicon type products on the market that claim to help with skin, nails, and hair..........I can't speak about the others because I don't know exactly what they contain.

So make sure you purchased the right one. You can see a picture of the bottle here BioSil. This is the one that was studied at University of Brussels in Belgium, University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, and was used in several clinical trials and double-blind studies.

This one is safe and effective and the only side effects documented - if you take more than the suggested dosage - is a little gas and bloating.

I hope this information has helped,
Linda, admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Clarification from your review of Biosil.

It is NOT tasteless. I have a bottle of it and the taste is absolutely disgusting. It tastes like chicken fat. That is why you cannot take it alone; must take it with juice to stomach it. Or a protein drink.

Thanks. I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear. I meant, that when you mix the BioSil liquid with juice and even plain water - it is tasteless.

But you have to add the BioSil to at least 4-8 oz. of the label states. Other wise, if you use less water, you might taste it.

I make those changes on my site :-)


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BioSil how and where to store it ......

Can Bio Sil be stored in the refrigerator? I am afraid my room temp is often higher than the recommended storage temp for the product.


Thanks for your email. The problem with storing vitamins in the refridgerator is there is too much moisture.

Unless your house temperature gets extremely hot, your vitamins will be better off in a dry area -- away from stoves or an oven.

Also, don't keep them in the bathroom - because of the moisturer from shower/baths.

I keep mine in my bedroom in my night stand. This way I always remember to take them and my bedroom usually has the most comfortable temperature....can't sleep in a room that's too or too humid :-)

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Biosil Natrol Reviews for Collagen

by Richard

Do you know of any Biosil Natrol reviews for collagen building?

Hi Richard,

BioSil is really great stuff. Inexpensive and not only helps build healthier thicker skin from the also supports healthy nails, hair, capiliaries, joints...and more.

Click Here for BioSil Review and Studies.

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biosil ingredients - guten?

by Aldo Legge
(Aliquippa Pa 15001)

Does BIOSIL contain Gluten?


Thanks for your email regarding Biosil and gluten. The Biosil that is recommended on this site Original Biosil does not contain wheat, gluten, or nuts/tree nuts.

But, if you purchase the Biosil else where make sure to check about the gluten content - because some Biosil products on the market do contain gluten.

You can read the full ingredient disclosure and studies at this page Original Biosil.


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Is Biosil Natural?

by Ajit Sakor

Hello, I was wondering what your thoughts are on how natural Biosil supplements are?

I have heard and read great things about it's supposed benefits for hair, skin and nails but I am not sure if it is truly natural? Also, do you still use the product as I have heard it has been discontinued.

Thanks again

Kind Regards,


Thanks for your email regarding Biosil. Yes, I still use Biosil and it was not discontinued.

Biosil is a natural supplement. It's actually orthosilic acid – which is a mineral that helps increase hydroxyproline. The body needs hydroxyproline to produce collagen which is necessary for healthy skin, hair, nails, and even connective tissues.

Studies show that Biosil can improve hair by increasing the diameter and strength.
At one time, Biosil was manufactured by Jarrow Formulas, but now it's sold by Natrol.

You can read more about it here…..BioSil

As with any supplement ,always check with your doctor if you are taking any medications or have any health issues.

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From taking asthma medication all of my life, in my late 30s I started developing skin that bruises and tears easily.

I read about BioSil and would like to know if there is anywhere in Vancouver, BC I can buy this.

I am presently taking Silicea but I have not noticed any changes to my skin.
Hi Winnie,

I don't know specific/local places in B.C where you can buy BioSil, but I know that you can purchase BioSil from LEF.

This company ships products all around the world. Once you click on the link above - scroll half way down the page to find the link.

I hope this helps.

Admin, Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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From taking asthma medication all of my life, in my late 30s I started developing skin that bruises and tears easily.

I read about BioSil and would like to know if there is anywhere in Vancouver, BC I can buy this.

I am presently taking Silicea but I have not noticed any changes to my skin.

Hi Winnie,

I don't know specific/local places in B.C where you can buy BioSil, but I know that you can purchase BioSil from this site

I believe they only charge $7.99 for shipping outside the U.S.

When you click on the link above type BioSil into the search box to find the product.

I hope this helps.

Admin, Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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BioSil Side Effects??

by Patty

I love,love,love bio-sil.It is a wonderful product doing retail all my life my legs and feet were ruined by constant standing.this products rocks!!!Question;I want to put my father-in-law on it.Does it interact with the following medications?Xalatan eye drops,Azopt eye drops,Singular,Finasteride,or arthiritis pain tylenol.& aspirinPlease respond quickly,I want to help him be pain-free.Thank-You Patty
Hi Patty,

Thanks for your email. My research shows that BioSil is safe and does not interfere with common prescription medication. However, legally, I must tell you that you should always inform your physician (in your case, your father's physician) of any supplements that you plan on taking. It's always best if your physician knows your whole history and what drugs and supplements you take.

On another note. I see you mentioned that your father takes arthritis medication...

BioSil which is choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid is excellent for bones and joints.

This all purpose, wonderful, and very inexpensive supplement is great for so many parts of the body from hair, nails, skin to arteries and bones and joints. I love too and use it everyday! :-)

You can read more about the studies from the University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy and from University of at this link

BioSil Studies

Linda, Admin

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Biosil for eczema?

by April

I'd been dealing with very severe eczema all over my body including my scalp which caused me to lose a lot of my hair. In the last 6 months I've stopped having flare ups and my hair is coming back (not as quickly as I'd like), but my skin is very slow in recovering to look normal. Can BioSil help the appearance of my skin?

Hello April,

Yes, BioSil is excellent for the skin. It contains biologically active Orthosilicic Acid which is absolutely essential for optimal production of collagen and elastin.

It is also necessary for the activation of enzymes involved in hydroxylation of the cross-linking of collagen, causing resistance and elasticity of fibrous proteins.....Meaning it makes the skin more elastic and less wrinkled.

In a study of women aged 40 to 65 showing clear signs of photoaging skin, supplementation with concentrated orthosilicic acid decreased fine lines and improved skin elasticity.

Biosil also helps to improve the hardness of nails and makes them less fragile. It slows hair loss, promotes hair regrowth too. Click here to read more about the benefits of BioSil.

Hope this information helps,

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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biosil ingredients

by dorian
(miami beach, fl.33139, USA)

Does biosil contain any fish oil? It smells very strongly and tastes like it does. When you talked about the ingredients, did you mention them all?

Hello Dorian,

Thanks for your question regarding BioSil and fish oil. No, BioSil does not contain fish oil. It only contains one ingredient:

Silicon (as stabilized orthosilicic acid).

This ingredient does have a bit of a smell. I notice it more when I take BioSil in the liquid form than in the capsule form......

That little bit of smell is very normal and natural for orthosilicic acid.

Pay attention to your nails....that is what people seem to notice first. Their nails start to grow faster and healthier....


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BioSil Reviews

Do you have any biosil reviews and information on biosil side effects?
Yes, you can read all about BioSil, see the studies, biosil reviews and biosil side effects at these two pages...

BioSil Reviews

BioSil Side Effects

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BioSil Healthy Skin Diet Supplement


How long will a bottle of liquid Biosil last? Will it thicken my skin? Is it worth the money?

Hi There,

Thanks for your email regarding BioSil as a healthy skin diet supplement. Let me tell you -- it's a great skin diet supplement. And, yes it is worth the money.

There are 120 servings per bottle and at 2 servings per day one bottle will last 60 days.

However, after a few months - once you get enough BioSil into your system, you'll probably be able to drop down to just one serving a day (5 drops daily). This way a bottle will last 120 days (3 months).

Not only will BioSil help thicken the skin due to increased collagen synthesis, but BioSil activates hydroxylation enzymes - which means it helps improve skin strength, elasticity, and fibrous protein. This means the skin is more resistant to wrinkling.

Plus, as a nice side effect, BioSil will also strengthen your nails and hair and help them grow faster! I love this really get a lot of beauty bang for your buck.

Hope this helps,

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by BioSil User

Hello, How long does it usually take for Biosil to thicken skin back up after topical steroid use and does the benefits to the skin stay after you stop use or do you have to continue use?


Thanks for your email. In test results and double blind studies, volunteers took BioSil for 20 weeks after which researchers were able to determine that there was a 30% improvement in micro wrinkles and 55% improvement in skin elasticity and stronger nails.
Other studies began testing for results at around 9 months.

It will take a while before you can see skin changes with the naked eye. These subtle changes take place daily within the skin cells.

And remember, we're not talking about just the skin on your face, BioSil increases levels of hydroxyproline which is the main amino acid your body uses to make collagen which is used for the skin all over your body, nails, hair, capillaries, cartilage and more.... As we age we naturally produce less of this amino acid, which is why our skin, nails, and hair begin to thin out as we age.

I know it's disappointing to know that you have to wait longer for better skin.....we live in an age of instant results, but that is not biologically possible in this case. What you can do is observe your nails and hair. They will show changes much faster. I noticed that my nails grow faster as does my hair. I began to notice this in a few months. The downside is that I spend more money on hair cuts and manicures :-)

I've been taking BioSil for over 10 years and I can tell you my skin doesn't bruise as easily and doesn't break/tear as easily.

What happens when you stop taking BioSil? Nothing really. Your body will (slowly) revert to how it was before you started taking it. But it may take years before you see these changes.

Thanks, I hope I've answered your questions.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Confusion about Natrol biosil and Jarrow Formulas biosil


I am intersted in buying biosil for hair. I read your article and I am confused about what brand to buy. You said in the article that the Jarrow Formulas is the best brand to buy but when I click the link the box for that formula is blue and grey.

I called Jarrow Formulas and they stated that their box is red and yellow. which one is the correct box that was clinically tested.

The red and yellow box that has jarrow formulas on it or the blue,grey and white box that no name that is linked to your page? Thanks


Thanks for your email. Yes, it is confusing. Let me explain.....Jarrow was the first company to develop Biosil ( which is Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid). This is what was used in the studies.

Then Jarrow sold this formula to Natrol. So the bottles of this Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid went from red and yellow to blue and grey - which is Natrol's colors.

And, it wasn't until you posted this question did I notice that Jarrow started this same formula again but it contains boron and zinc and they call it JarroSil.

So if you want just the regular Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid you can purchase it from Natrol Biosil.

I take a multiple and don't want to the extra minerals - like boron and zinc.

I hope this helps clear things up.


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about biosil

by lajj

from what age should i take biosil? i am 33 years old..
Hello Lajj,

BioSil can be taken at any age where you're starting to be concerned with hair, nails, skin, joints, arteries.

People in their 20s and 30s may take BioSil to support healthy hair or nails. BioSil can also help your nails and hair to grow faster and thicker....all the while protecting your skin from aging.

People in their 40s and 50s usually use BioSil because they are concerned about skin aging.

And people in their 60s and up take BioSil for the support it provides in strengthening the capillaries and arteries - and for bone/joint support.

That's why I love this product. It offers so many benefits all in one product. You can read more about it here.... BioSil Studies/Benefits

I hope this helped....
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Thin skin - allergic skin - easilly bruising skin. Help -- BioSil

I used Snuggle dryer sheets, first experiencing severe itching that required a steroid shot for relief. Then I began getting the red bruises like on older person (I an 64). I have consulted 2 dermatologists.

The first prescribed a steroid cream, the second said that made it worse and prescribed Lac lotion which has made the bruises smaller. I still bruise and bleed. The lotion is to be applied twice daily and feels sticky until I wash it off. If you have a suggestion I will be interested.

Thank you for your email. It sounds like there are two things going on with your skin. First your skin reacts to chemicals quickly (like the dryer sheets). You'd be surprised how many people have reactions from them and don't even know that's the cause -- but you reaction sounded pretty severe if you needed steroid shots.

The second issue is either thin skin and/or weak capillaries. If the skin is thin and the capillaries are weak - the slightest bump of the skin will cause a bruise because the capillaries break easily and it shows through the thinned skin.

This is common with aging which is why you often see it in older people. Steroid use can also cause thin skin, but I've never heard of just one shot doing this...unless your skin was already getting thin to begin with.

There are couple of things you can try which will not only benefit your skin, but help to strengthen your arteries, veins, hair, and nails.

Try to eat more vitamin K rich foods like: Kale, collards, spinach, mustard greens, lettuce (especially butterhead, boston or bibb). I don't like kale, but I do love salads. So I mix raw kale in with my lettuce and hardly even taste it. But now I never bruise....

Also, try to eat more vitamin P (Bioflanonoid) rich foods like: peppers, onions, garlic, grapes, red and blue berries and green tea.


1.I personally hate using creams on my body, so I always look for ways to support the skin and strengthen it from the inside. That's how I found out about an herbal supplement for health skin called Skin Dr..

It contains a combination of herbs and homeopathic ingredients that help detoxify the liver ( Many people don't realize the connection between healthy skin and healthy liver) and the lymphatic system.

Your skin/body won't overreact so quickly to environmental chemicals and pollutants. Skin Dr. can help your skin the way creams can't because it works from the inside at the cellular level.

2. The second thing you should consider is taking BioSil. A natural supplement that contains stabilized orthosilicic acid which enhances collagen production and helps build stronger thicker skin, veins and arteries.

Your body uses orthosilicic acid to build strong bones, hair, and nails too. It works pretty fast - the first thing you'll notice is that you have to get your hair and nails cut more often because they will grow faster.

Skin goes through major changes about every 40 days, so skin changes will take longer see.

Click on this link to read more about this supplement and see the study results. BioSil Studies and Information

I hope this information has been helpful. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask,

Thank you,
Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Drug interactions...BioSil

I heard great things about BioSil. I am currently taking Medrol, Metanx, and Limbrel.My doctor as just put me on Plaquenil. Can I take BioSil while taking my prescriptions?

According to the company that makes the BioSil that I recommend on my site, they list no drug contraindications at this time.

And, they state that their BioSil is safe and non-toxic. However, legal reasons dictate that we must always inform you to tell your doctor of any supplements you take if you are under a doctor's care and are taking any prescription medication.

In fact, you should even inform your doctor of any other medications you might taking from other physicians.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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Hello, I have been taking bioSil for approx 2 months and I have noticed I am getting horizontal grooves on two of my toe nails and I was wondering if it could be from the keratin that is forming and if this is common with biosil.

Thanks I appreciate all your great advice and tips.

Hello Denise,

Thanks for your question. Actually, that's a great question. The state of your nails can tell you a lot about your health and what's going on in your body.

While vertical ridges are pretty normal for most people, horizontal ridges usually result from interruption in the protein formation of the nail plate.

This can be a sign of a vitamin deficiency or can result from trauma to the banging your foot on something.

The Biosil has nothing to do with ridges on your nails - and might even help with protein formation.

What you might want to consider is taking digestive enzymes with your meals or at least the meals containing the most processed foods.

Digestive enzymes help your body process, digest, and absorb your food better. Raw fruits and vegetables naturally contain a lot great digestive eating a salad with a heavy meal or with processed foods can help a lot. Eating fruit before a heavy, processed meal can also help.

You see aging and processed foods naturally reduce our enzyme production levels. This is why some people will notice that certain foods - which didn't bother them years ago - suddenly give them indigestion or heartburn.

Hope this helps,

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Medication to buy for boil in the armpit?

Medication to buy for boil in the armpit?


Thanks for your email regarding medication for boils in the armpit. I personally try to recommend natural, organic or homeopathic products for boils and skin eruptions before resorting to medication.

Click here to find an all natural homeopathic remedy for Treatment For Boils. This treatment is much safer than medications and less messy than lotions or creams.

I've gotten GREAT feedback on this product from my visitors. Please let me know how it works for you.


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by Pat Craig
(phila pa.)

I used biosil for the recommended time,and it changed the texture of my hair. Now I have a hard time managing my hair. Is there anything that can reverse the effects from using this product.

Hello Pat,

Thank you for your email. I have never heard of anyone having problems with their hair texture after using BioSil. Most people love what BioSil does to the hair and nails.

The only complaint I hear about is that BioSil makes the hair grow many people find that have to get their hair cut more often -- which costs them more money. Especially, if you keep a short hair style or go to an expensive hair dresser.

I hear the same complaint for the nails too - especially for women with acrylic nails.

Did it make too thick? Is that why it's harder to manage? The best advice I can give you is to stop using it. Which is ashame because it's so good for your skin, arteries, capillaries, veins....and so on.

I've always suffered from thin, limp, fine hair so I love what BioSil has done for my hair. :-)

I guess for those lucky folks, like you, with thick strong hair - BioSil may not be such a blessing.

Yes, I would stop using it for at least 6 months to a year and see how your hair reacts. It could be possible that there are other issues causing your hair texture to change. Diet, stress, hormones, medication, health issues.....All of these can affect your hair.

Please keep me in touch and let me know how it goes.

Linda, Admin Wrinkle Free Skin Tips

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