Anti-Wrinkle Pillow Case

Can a copper infused anti-wrinkle pillow case reduce wrinkles while you sleep?

We know getting a decent night sleep can help us look more refreshed - but can sheets and pillow cases infused with copper peptides help reduce wrinkles too?

Could it be that in addition to Botox and wrinkle creams, we now have the anti wrinkle pillow case to help us in the fight against aging skin?

A recent development in fight against anti-aging is the copper peptide infused pillow case was designed to not only iron our lines and wrinkles, but help reduce bacteria growth and acne. 

For years now I have been a big proponent of copper peptide creams, lotions and serums. Why? Because the studies prove it all! 

Hundreds of studies and over 50 laboratories found that a certain type of copper peptide is very successful in treating wrinkles and rejuvenating and tightening the skin. 

Some researchers are even speculating that daily use of copper peptides could replace the need for fat/collagen injections. 

Copper peptides encourage our skin’s natural repair mode to help build younger skin cells and to remove old, harden brittle cells.

Copper peptides are a must for mature skin and take only about 1-3 months before you see results. 

Also consider using the copper peptide cream (day or night) along with sleeping on an anti-wrinkle pillow case. 

Click here to select copper pillow cases.

Copper Peptides - Two of the latest studies:

Here are studies on the benefits of copper peptide creams:

  • International Journal of Cosmetic Science — The role of topical copper-peptides and other peptides in preventing or treating aged skin, F. Gorouhi and H.I. Maibach.
  • Breakdown Resistant Copper-Peptides with Improved Healing Actions at the Meeting of the Wound Healing Society, Dallas, Texas April 26-29th, 2009. found that GHK Cu Peptide Creams to be especially beneficial, as other types of copper peptides breakdown before they have a chance to be absorbed and offer beneficial effects on the skin.

  • Now, Jeffrey Gabby is the owner of the Cupron, a company who makes copper medical dressings from copper because he understands the connection between copper and natural skin healing properties. He later developed copper pillow cases to help reduce wrinkling while sleeping.

    He tested these pillow cases out on himself before marketing them. He noticed that over a few days of lying on a copper pillow lines on the face started to soften.

    So he conducted a clinical trial, supervised by a dermatologist, using 57 participants for four weeks. Half the volunteers received a anti-wrinkle pillow case and the other half a regular one.

    Fabrics and color of the pillow case were similar so participants couldn’t tell the difference between the copper one and the regular one.

    Those who slept on the copper infused case found a significant improvement in the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

    Researchers speculate that moisture from the skin releases copper ions (charged atoms) from the pillow case and help to stimulate the production of collagen under the surface of the skin.

    Dr. Yael Halaas, a New York City plastic surgeon, is a fan. She began sleeping on a copper peptide pillow cover last summer. (She said she has no commercial ties with the company and received it as a gift.)

    “I think it’s fabulous for acne control,” she said, adding that copper can be a natural antibiotic. “Copper sheets could be great for back acne.” She also said the copper pillow cover may stimulate collagen production and possibly accelerate some tissue growth.

    But Dr. Baumann, who said she had not seen or tried the copper peptide case, is skeptical and would like to see more studies, performed.

    While there are hundreds of studies on copper peptide creams, we’ll have to wait and see what develops with the pillow case and bedding items – like sheets for body acne.

    to increase skin collagen and help heal wounds.

    Whether or not you're able to find the pillow cases, just be sure to at least try to apply a good In the meantime, we do know that copper peptide serum - to help renew aging skin and help prevent further aging - before bedtime.

    Additional Reading Anit-Wrinkle Pillow Case

    Refinishing Facial - A super intensive facial to rejuvenate your complexion and reduce the appearance of sun spots, wrinkles. blotches, and scars.

    Facial Exercises - Looking older is not just about wrinkles, it's also about sagging skin and droopy muscles. 

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