Alternative Treatments For Rosacea

Are Essential Oils Safe For Rosacea?

With over 16 million Americans suffering from rosacea, alternative treatments for rosacea are becoming ever more popular.

And while the use of herbs and essential oils for rosacea treatment are on the rise..............many people still ask - are natural herbs or healing oils effective for the treatment and management of symptoms?

You may have seen them advertised on CNN and other news media. Some experts even say that not only are essential oils helpful -- they're even safe for children too!

While there's no real cure for rosacea, some herbal treatments that include anti-inflammatory ingredients like willow bark extract or licorice root extract can ease the pain and discomfort without toxic side effects.

They can also help reduce flushing and sooth and moisturize sensitive areas which can not only make you look better, but feel better too.

Alternative Treatments To Rosacea

Of course many people would rather try natural alternative treatments for their rosacea symptoms, as opposed to medications.

And while there are plenty of natural, over-the-counter topical treatments - like essential oils - to help treat and manage rosacea symptoms like flushing of the face.......

It's important to understand what type you have before spending money on these products.

For example, essential oils may help those dry skin, those with oily skin rosacea may experience more breakouts or irritation.

That is why it's important to determine What Type of Rosacea You Have first and then find a support system especially formulated for that skin type.

How Do I Know What Is Right For Me?

The key to managing Rosacea is recognizing what type you have and always remember that your skin is suffering an inflammatory response and absolutely no way should harsh cleansers and toners ever be used.

The natural oils on the skin must be regulated to allow the skin to form its own defenses against any harmful bacteria or environmental distress.

We highly recommend the following natural treatment for rosacea as a starting point to help reduce skin damage.

Home Remedies for Rosacea - Daily Tips

Here are a few simple, but pretty effect daily tips that all rosacea sufferers should be practicing:

  • Washing with cool or warm water, never hot water.
  • Never use abrasive cleansers or wash cloths. Treat your skin gently. Wash with a soft cloth or even use your finger tips. Never use scrubs or exfoliators on affected areas.
  • Gently blot your skin dry -- don't rub. Use a thick-pile cotton towel.
  • If you wear makeup, choose only oil-free and/or non-comedogenic products. Always apply very light layers of makeup because too heavy of an application can trap bacteria and oil inside the pores.
  • When you have a flare up, treat it sooner rather than later to prevent long-term damage. Skin damage is harder to repair.
  • To to stay out of the sun and always apply a light skin sensitive sunscreen everyday to prevent UV induced symptoms. The sun is often the number one reason for flare-ups.
  • Avoid alcohol, hot beverages and/or spicy foods you can greatly reduce the number and severity of Rosacea flare-ups. People often thing there are certain foods to eat for rosacea, however, it’s really certain foods you should AVOID for rosacea.

Rosacea Awareness - Stages for Rosacea

There are about 4 different stages of rosacea. It is extremely important to treat your rosacea so it doesn't progress -- because it will if left alone.

1 - Pre-Rosacea: The first sign of Rosacea is dilate blood vessels to the slightest stimuli. The blood vessels open wider and stay open for longer periods of time compared to normal persons.

2 - Mild Rosacea is when the facial redness induced by flushing persists for an abnormal length of time - usually 1/2 an hour or more after a trigger. Those who have frequent pre-Rosacea flushing are highly susceptible to progressing to mild Rosacea. Some of the common triggers for a facial flush are heat, cold, emotions, exercise, topical irritants and allergic reactions.

3 - The third stage is called moderate rosacea and this where vascular damage begins. At this stage flushing happens more often and is more intense.

4 - The last and most serious stage is severe rosacea which is marked by intense bouts of facial flushing, inflammation, pain, swelling and burning.

Some people find that their skin becomes so sensitive, they are not able to use the same products they could use before. At this stage, there may also be excess skin growth around the nose, causing a bulbous enlargement of the nose shape called Rhinophyma. can:

  • Eliminate discomfort and embarrassing skin eruptions by reducin the appearance of your rosacea
  • Heal current Rosacea with 100% natural essential oils, extracted from plants.
  • Provide effective relief no matter what stage or condition you're skin is in.

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