Get Rid Of Wrinkles on Upper Arms

I am 47 and weigh 7 stone 4 .My arms are developing upper arm wrinkles and crepy skin under arm pit any advice please.


What you’re experiencing is very common for women our age. As we age, we produce less epidermal cells and the ones we do produce are thinner and less firm. As a result the skin becomes thinner, wrinkled and less tone.

It also has less ability to maintain moisture which results in drier skin…which also makes the wrinkle more pronounced.

There are a few ways to combat this problem. One is to use a weekly mask made of crushed pineapples and olive oily. Pineapple contains bromeliad which is a natural digestive enzyme and will help “eat” away all the dead skin cells and olive oil helps to intensely hydrate the skin.

To make the mask combine the following:

• 1 cup of pineapple chunks. Make sure to rinse off the syrup first.

• Then apply 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil.

• Mash the pineapple chunks with a fork or in a blender and blend until smooth.

• Then apply the mask to your arms and leave on for 20 minutes or so.

• Then rinse very well – this is best to do before a shower – and pat dry.

Another effective treatment is to use a daily body cream to help exfoliate thin skin cells, and increase collagen to plump up the skin and help firm, tone, tighten the skin. The upper arms can always benefit from a firming lotion.

ZenMed Stretta Cream was specifically developed to help remove wrinkles and stretch marks from the body.

Don’t use it on your face and neck, it is a powerful effective cream and is meant to be used on thicker skin on the body.

You can also use this on your breast, stomach and thighs to help firm the skin and get rid of strecht marks. Significant results can be seen in about 5 weeks – which is pretty fast!

Linda, Admin

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Chest Wrinkles

I am starting to notice these lines on my chest when I first wake up. They go away a few hours later. Are these chest wrinkles? I'm only 38 years old...please advise what I should do

Well, the first thing you need to do is use a sunscreen and protect that very sensitive, thin skin on our chest that always seems to get too much sun exposure. Start now, before you older and the skin gets more wrinkled.

Try to exfoliate the chest area about once or twice a week and apply a good moisturizer. Exfoliating helps to ensure that the moisturizer will penetrate the skin better.

A glycolic acid or lactic acid exfoliating serum helps to reduce the dead skin cells and make the skin look smoother.

You can also make your own exfoliating scrub by mixing brown sugar and olive oil to make a paste. Light massage this paste on the whole chest area. Rinse and moisturize.

Also, try doing chest and neck exercises to firm up and thicken the skin in that area. This one really helps. You should see some results in a few months.....

Try doing this at least 4 times a week:

Gulping Fish
Place a wide open hand under your the base of your throat. Extend your chin up toward the ceiling and stick out your bottom lip (like a gulping fish).

Now slide your open hand down your neck to your collar bone while stretching your up chin up toward the ceiling. Hold at the base of your collar bone and make 10 gulping movement with your mouth - Like a fish.

You should feel the muscles moving - from under your chin all the down to your chest. Just remember to keep your chin up pointing toward the ceiling the whole time.

Stop and repeat this 5 times.

If you want to see a video of how to do this here Free Sample Facial Exercises Live Video

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marionette lines and wrinkles

Is there any facial exercises that can help smooth out the marionette lines/laugh lines and overall wrinkles in the face?


Thanks for your email. There are several effect exercises that work that area. Doing several of them works better than spot training because they work slightly different muscles and you get a better overall effect.

Like for example, cheek raisers can help reduce the lines and folds around the mouth because it raises the cheek muscles which pulls up the skin.

Look in the mirror and pull the skin on your cheek up a tiny bit and you'll notice less marionette folds.

Here are two exercises to try:

Cheek lift – This builds up and lifts the cheek muscles.

•Place the butt of your palms on top of each cheek bone.

•Smile as wide and hard as you can. You will feel your cheek muscles and your hands rise up a bit.

•Using the butt of your palm, try to push your cheek muscles down.

•Hold for count of 10, then let go and relax.
•Repeat for 3 sets.

Jowl lift – I like this one. It seems to help tighten sagging pouches around the mouth area.

•Place your thumb and forefinger on either side of your chin – feeling your jaw bone.

•With a closed mouth, make a smile -- drawing the corners of your mouth out toward your ears.

•Using your thumb and forefinger try to hold the muscle in place…creating if to stop the smile.

•Hold for count of 10, then let go and relax.
•Repeat for 3 sets.

Click here to watch a video of how to
reduce wrinkles and firm the eye and neck area.

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Wrinkles :( !!

by Nicole

Hello I'm just 16 and i have noticed 3 big lines going right across my forehead but they are wrinkles and i don't know how to get them away or make them fade a little? please help its depressing me!

I can understand why you're upset....16 is pretty young for lines. Is your skin dry? Are you overcleaning your skin or using harsh skin products? That will aggravate lines and wrinkles -- even when you're young.

Have you tried using a good Moisturizer? That helps to make lines less visable and keeps skin healthy. Click on the link above to read more about simple skin care to help prevent wrinkles from getting deeper.

Also, try doing some light skin massaging. Follow this link for a Free Face Massage video.

Linda, Admin

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